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  • Writer's pictureCheryl Westbrook

the snake, the skull, and the daddy's girl

Updated: Nov 16, 2019

I was thinking about the art of creating. Designing as an expression of something within - generally something that I lack the words to express.

Being in business, trying to make money and really not making any, it would probably behoove me to create something "hot that might be bought" but I have two problems with that: my art is ridiculously slow and, it's just not me.

One of my beloved soul sisters at Chairish (a designer's paradise - seriously - go there after you read this ) suggested I create a Staffordshire and man, she was spot on! I designed, somewhat begrudgingly, then stitched Staffordshire Blue. I have sold that baby a million ways. Who would have predicted their crazy popularity?

Seeing success, I worked to create Fu Blues, the wonderful lion pair that guard palaces from dastardly beings, and velvet sofas from long-haired cats. Surely these, in all their Oriental elegance, would be loved and adored? Um . . no.

Following that, I decided to only create what authentic to me. To be led by a path of artistry instead of potential payday.



Three of my 2019 designs were moved by this instinct: Wakey Snakey, Skull Fleur and Daddy's Girl. I love them all! Nobody else, save those who love me and pat me and say - good job - really does.

Time. Energy. Devotion. Excitement. Joy.

No sales.

Does this diminish the value of what I've designed? No. I might feel a little curiosity about why I'm not getting the love monkey, but I also know that the weirdness of my work doesn't necessarily speak to everyone. Or anyone.

Or maybe it speaks to those things I love most. Just like everything I made and gave away, years before and today.

Wakey Snakey is a nod to my oldest son, reminiscent of our sweet morning song.

Skull Fleur is simply a combination of my favorites - vintage and anarchy. With pompoms.

Daddy's Girl? We all are. And, Henri Bendel closed this year.

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